Our company, our project Kardi.Ru and our doctors are opened for collaboration. We are ready for collaboration both with russian and foreighn companies. Many companies work with us with project Kardi.Ru. Contact us and we will describe you possible variants of collaboration with you in your region. You can be the first in your region.

We prepared different variants of mutually beneficial collaboration. These variants are taken stoke the specific of your activity. And these variants are showed in Partner Program due to the text.


Our company is developer and owner of device Cardiovisor and solution Kardi.ru. We are ready to give exclusive rights to serius regional partner in his region, if this partner provide significant value of sales.


Using Partner Program of solution Kardi.Ru you can provide different medicine services for your clients and sale our medicine devices. You also can create your own business. The choice is yours!


We developed many varionts of cooperation. Each partner is individual for us. Depending on specific of your business you can select the way of cooperation with project Kardi.Ru.



Partner Program

You can select the variant of cooperation between next variants.

Functional diagnostic cabinet

Using this cooperation with Kardi.Ru you can open your diagnostic cabinet or add new examinations in existing cabinet. You can perform screening patients heart state using Kardi.Ru solution. For screening your patients should visit your diagnostic cabinet. If you examine your patients before medical treatment and after medical treatment you can demonstrate to patient the improvement of survey indicators and attract your patient on repeated visit in your clinic. If you sell medicaments or BAD you can observe the effect of the medicine influence on patient heart state.

This type of  partner cooperation may be interested for pharmacy, for diagnostic centers, for fitness sport clubs and for doctors of sport teams.

Details of cooperation "Functional dianostic cabinet"


Using this cooperation with Kardi.Ru you can organize the remote patient monitoring service by your doctors. This service is necessary for patients after infarct or after operation. This service is also be useful for patients who are suffering from cardiovascular deseases. Using our solution you can control patients state of heart after leaving the hospital by them. Patients can registrate ecg at home by themselves. And your doctors can control patients heart via Internet using these ecg registrations. Doctors can communicate with patients, give recommendations and prescribe additional surveys. You make your money on each patient examination and on each remote doctor's advice.

This type of  partner cooperation may be interested for clinics.

Details of cooperation "Clinic"


Using this cooperation with Kardi.Ru you can only sale our devices  and make your money on each sale.

This type of  partner cooperation may be interested for pharmacy, for medical sales companies.

Details of cooperation "Distributor"


Using this cooperation with Kardi.Ru you can sale our devices and make your money on each sale and on each client payment for all period while client use solution.

This type of  partner cooperation may be interested for pharmacy, for clinic, for medical sales companies.

Details of cooperation "Dealer"


Using this cooperation with Kardi.Ru you receive from us ready business. You can start the Project similar Kardi.Ru in your region (in your country) under your name for your clients. We give you software, medical devices, client contracts templates, that allow to start work. You can start monitor the state of your clients-patients heart remotely using ecg via the Internet. You can hire your doctors or use our doctors. You can sale or rent Cardiovisor devices. Your clients can control their heart by themselves using Cardiovisor conclusion. And visit doctor only if it's necessary. We support you and consult you for all period of your project work. We give you all things that you need for work. The only you need to do is marketing and promotion of your services.

Details of cooperation "Licensee"