

People has long been concerned about the heart disease, as it has been long seen rapid death of man after the appearance of chest pain on the left. Many scientists were finding ways of instrumental diagnosis of heart disease. Only electrophysics achievements made possible the creation of pioneer methods of the heart functions recording. A technological breakthrough in many fields of science allowed to create new instruments for the diagnosis of various diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. Below is an overview of some instrumental methods of diagnosis of heart disease that were used in the last century, and are routinely used nowadays.



Diving each year attracts more and more fans. Once you try the plunge into the water, there is a desire to dive again and again. It is believed that diving is therapeutic but its excitement. However, this is not for everyone.


Сardiac surgery is the field of surgery and cardiology involved in the treatment of the heart diseases using surgery. To date, cardiac surgery is the most effective way to treat certain types of heart diseases, coronary heart disease and helps prevent the development of myocardial infarction, also eliminate its consequences - the aneurysm.


Heart disease in the last decade went top. Science does not stand still, every year there are new methods of diagnosis and treatment, which help fight diseases of different etiologies. Cardiology has always been considered one of the most important medical sciences. There is a constant "struggle" with cardio-vascular system diseases. The new methods of diagnosis and treatment appears in place of the long-known ones.


Heart attack is a serious pathological condition caused by lack of blood supply to the acutely emerging cardiac muscle (due to blockage of blood clots and / or spasms, usually in the atherosclerotic plaque of the arteries feeding the heart), as well as the development of ischemia and necrosis (dying off) of part of this muscle.


Myocardial infarction - is necrosis (death) of cardiac muscle resulting from impaired circulation, which leads to the lack of oxygen supplying to the heart muscle. Myocardial infarction nowadays is one of the leading causes of death and disability of people in the world.


ECG is the primary method for diagnosing cardiac arrhythmias. This publication summarizes the signs of a normal ECG. ECG recording is carried out in a comfortable position for the patient, the breathing should be quiet. For the ECG registration often use 12 main leads: 6 extremity lead and 6 chest leads. The project offers microalternatnation analysis of the six leads (applicable only electrodes that are imposed on limbs). They allow you to identify probable deviations of the heart itself. Through the project is possible analysis and by 12-lead. But an untrained person may experience difficulty with a regular arrangement of electrodes at home. This can lead to incorrect recording of the electrocardiogram. Therefore, the device CARDIOVISOR, which records 12 leads, cardiologists acquire it mainly.


Every year the amount of children having congenital pathologies is enlarged. Among children diseases one of the first places is occupied with the diseases that related to cardiovascular system.  Congenital malformations, arterial hypertension and hypotension, rheumatism, inflammatory diseases and acquired valvular diseases are allocating among heart diseases at children.